Gifted children are not only a joy for the parent’s heart. Their uncommonness can cause many problems at school.

A gifted child is distinguished by bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements in any kind of activity and

Non-standard children have high intellectual performance, original creative thinking and rich imagination, strive for knowledge and are extremely curious.

Children with academic (the ability to study brilliantly) and other types of giftedness have excellent memory, are able to concentrate for a long time, are purposeful, have a large vocabulary and love complex intellectual tasks. Their originality is due to both natural inclinations and appropriate upbringing in the family. However, problems at school are not uncommon for such unique people.

The discrepancy between the curriculum (one way or another standardized) and and the child’s abilities becomes the reason for hostile attitude towards the lesson system. The child is simply bored in the classroom, as he learns the material much faster than other students, and does not have the opportunity to do something else.

Gifted children find it difficult to find compromises: making high demands on themselves, they demand the same from others. If the people around “do not reach” their level, then they become uninteresting for too smart children. Hence the problems with teachers and classmates.

In an effort to achieve perfection, a gifted child often worries about any failure, is too critical of himself. The result of dissatisfaction with oneself is low self-esteem.

Often, children with great abilities are overcome by “star fever”.

Rightly feeling superior to others, they selfishly forget that many qualities of others are also worthy of respect. And peers are very sensitive to condescending and sometimes contemptuous attitude towards them.

The lack of common interests often becomes an obstacle to communication between a gifted child and his classmates.

An outstanding personality solves problems on a global scale, often preferring the mysteries of the universe to physical development. And peers like football and simple friendly gatherings.

Teacher And Pupils Using Wooden Shapes In Montessori School

Often outstanding children prefer communication with adults, because communication with peers does not satisfy their inner needs. Requiring increased attention from adults, recognition of their talent, such unique individuals often irritate teachers as well.

How to be parents of a gifted child if giftedness has become the cause of school problems?

First of all, one should not criticize, nag for quarrelsomenessa and It is better to accustom the child to the idea that not everyone around is “fools”, but if you wish, you can find something good in every person. You don’t have to be smart to take care of a sick sister, raise a puppy, or make great stools. Children should be taught to respect others.

The extraordinary abilities of the child can be directed in a useful direction, so that the envy of classmates develops into recognition of abilities. It can be school olympiads, KVN-s, social events.

A gifted child should be treated with warmth and trust, helping to realize his abilities.

We must try to find a circle of acquaintances for him in which he will not feel like an outcast (art, music schools, chess club, etc.).

You should not deprive your child of a sense of self-worth, but you need to correct his behavior in case of school conflicts: life in society is inevitable. The ability to find compromises does not humiliate a person, but allows him to avoid nervous breakdowns.