Any training requires effort. But what makes them apply? Motivation and It can be both external and internal. For internal motivation, the child still lacks maturity – self-discipline, responsibility, ambition, etc. Accordingly, external motivation can become an impetus towards reading. It includes:


The first two types are highly undesirable because these are non-specific motives. They can backfire. The more you force a child to read, the more he will hate books and Worst of all, many parents are even looking for tips on how to get their child to learn to read! And they do not understand that the very word “force” in this matter is not applicable in any context.

There is no special way
There is a separate cohort of parents who overestimate the independence of their children. Like, they themselves will be interested in books when they want. But it doesn’t really work that way. You can’t instill a love of reading without putting in some effort.

All reading families go through the main stages of introducing children to their favorite pastime. Namely:

acquaintance with the book;
arousing interest in reading;
disclosure of the wealth of genres, styles, themes;
emergence of personal preferences;
expansion of the book assortment.

Bribery is not an option
Separately, I would like to note the fifth method of external motivation – bribery. It offers bonuses for reading books. Sometimes it even comes to the point of absurdity when a mother sits with lollipops in her hands in front of a child. He reads, and she slips a sweet for each read page.

Coventry University (UK) conducted a study of this problem and and received impressive numbers: 60% of parents pay bribes for children to read. And many practiced this in an absurd format – a bonus for every minute spent with a book in their hands.

What are these bonuses?

stickers, stickers, badges – 32%;
the ability to go to bed later – 23%;
additional time for gadgets (computer, phone, TV) – 14%;
money – 8%;
going to the cinema, park or zoo – 7%;
sweets – 5%;
other types of incentives – 11%.

The widespread practice of bribery suggests that this, oddly enough, is an effective way to accustom a child to reading books. But its disadvantages were revealed by psychologists at the University of Rochester (USA). Their study showed that the love of reading induced by “bribes” lasted only as long as this parental experiment continued.