No less common than the practice of asanas is the performance of pranayamas – controlling the breath and controlling the movement of prana through the channels.

The effects of pranayama cause different experiences and are related to the redistribution of vital energy. As a rule, a person who practices pranayama has a rich and effective life.

Gradual daily practice of this technique increases energy, brings new ideas and positive perception. If you prepare your body with asanas and shatkarmas, pranayamas will naturally increase your results.

It is desirable to practice daily in the morning, adding sets of asanas three, five or six times a week.

It’s better to start with small loads, but don’t forget to increase the time and depth of the exercises themselves, and the result of yoga practice will certainly manifest itself in the form of restored health, ease of perception of life, purification and expansion of consciousness, as well as morality and spirituality.

We can talk for hours about the benefits of the daily practice of yoga and its results, and they will be individual for each person, but the fact of the beneficial effects of following the recommendations and a stable approach is undeniable!

After learning the basic techniques and understanding the essence of the techniques, you will be able to develop a suitable schedule for yourself and apply it in practice. And then positive changes are sure to come to your life.