Some parents take school grades very seriously and In such an atmosphere, a child develops the feeling that everything in his life depends on the assessments – assessments of the people around him. And there are worries that you need to meet a certain level. This increased responsibility leads to an excessive overload of the still not quite mature consciousness. If overload is not detected in time, the consequences can be very serious: neurosis, apathy and even depression.

If you are experiencing what your child is experiencing because of their school grades and

1. Explain to your child that grades are just numbers. The most important thing is knowledge. Grades should not affect mood and self-image. It is important to let your child know that you love him, regardless of his school performance.

2. Help your child improve weak points in school. Perhaps this will require individual lessons, the development of skills such as memory, attention, speed reading.

3. Determine with your child those subjects that he is really interested in studying. Focus on them. Try to find something valuable and interesting in other objects together.

4. Praise him for any small successes. And never compare with classmates who do better.

5. The most important thing is to determine the psychotype of your child. For example, for children who have natural leadership qualities, grades help develop their strengths and temper the spirit of competition. But there are children who will never be leaders – creators, performers, dreamers.

It is important to give the child an understanding that assessment in school is only a tool for measuring his level of knowledge at a given moment in life. This is neither an assessment of his personality, nor a guarantee of the love of his parents. And, of course, “6 in mathematics” does not affect success in a career, in a family, in life.

By the way, an interesting study was conducted among excellent students and losers. It turned out that among the excellent students there is a much larger percentage of insecure individuals. After all, the habit of obedience and strict adherence to the rules does not allow the development of initiative, ingenuity, and flexibility of thinking. Without these qualities, it is difficult then to learn how to manage something. Even by yourself.

Parents of excellent students often turn to us, yes, there is no trouble with such children: the child is always busy with business (reads, writes, thinks). But the downside is that there are almost no friends and girlfriends, there are no skills for full-fledged communication with peers. And we help to solve this problem by developing self-confidence, sociability and sociability.